Friday, 24 October 2008

Normality reigns once more

And, I am even glad of it! I haven't updated in a couple of days, firstly because I was shattered after the journey back, and secondly because, when I got home, there was a nice little surprise waiting for me. The batteries in the wireless keyboard had gone done. I *coughs* borrowed, my friend's really terribly awful keyboard, and was forced to subsist on substandard stolen goods for a whole day. It was terrible to type on, and I couldn't face posting my usual long-winded ramblings via the thing. I've already told you of my previous technical problems with the pen, so I wasn't going there again!

So, what to tell this time? Prepare yourself for the usual brand of sarcasm, general pesimism *is that how you spell it?* and edge of your seat, pants wetting type of excitement.

I got up at stupid o'clock on Wednesday morning to get back on my chosen flight, chosen, I might add, for the possibility that I might make that memorial service on time. So I sacrificed most of a good night's sleep for nothing! 6 was the time of my rather rude awakening (yes, my mobile is considered rude when it warbles the 'get up, get up now!' noise at me at that time of the morning). It was harder to get my granny up than it was to drag my bleary-eyed, wobbly-legged carcus out of the all too comfortable bed. I'm reading a good book, so had spent most of the night with my nose buried in it. I'd got maybe 5 hours of sleep at a push, and now it was time to trek halfway across the universe, all in the name of returning to oxford.

I pulled myself together in time to feed the dog before we left, and then worried the whole way up the road to the airport that she'd chuck up all over my aunty's car. You're supposed to leave them for at least 20 minutes after feeding before you do anything with them, but extra time was a luxury I didn't have, thanks to my need to get as much sleep as possible, and leave the getting up as close to departure time as I could.

Once Molly realised that her new love interest, the lodger, was howling his misery at her departure in his bedroom instead of coming with us, she huffed mightily! Ok, he was snoring his displeasure... And she knew it! If a dog could flounce, old Molly would have done it as she threw her food engorged body into the car, and turned her back on us all. Clearly, she thought we were terribly unjust in parting her from her newfound love. Even my aunty, who she usually goes mad for, couldn't bring her out of this latest strop.

So, we travelled to the airport in sulky silence, if the loud groans, snorts, and general vocalising of her displeasure are discounted. We actually arrived early in the end, despite my mad scramble to locate my iPod which my Granny was convinced was a phone. She'd taken it downstairs and tried to plug it into my phone charger for me. I'm just thankful the connections didn't match, or else my Pod would be no more, given the difference in voltages.

And what better way to make up the time we had until the flight left than having an Ulster Fry? For those of you who have never had one, it consists of bacon, fried eggs, sausage, vegetable roll which is meat, not vegetable (Nope, I never claimed the Irish were logical!), soda bread, potato bread, mushrooms, beans, and tomato. I didn't have all that, but the prices were extortionate! £7.99 for the fry.

The flight was pretty good, apart from the landing. It was done so badly that we bounced off the runway before touching down properly. Molly didn't like it. It's the first time i've seen her really bothered on a flight, but she wouldn't settle at all after that, and nearly strangled herself pulling to get off. Then I had to convince the guy helping me that the suitcase i'd said was mine, truly was mine. he kept glancing at the bag tag on my passport, then the tag on the bag. "Oh, they don't match!" "Yes, mister, I know they don't. That's because they didn't give me a new tag at check in. Honestly, the case is mine." "Oh, but i have to put it back. We can't be sure it's yours, and the numbers don't match." Well, it went round in circles, until I lost the rag, ripped open the top of the suitcase, and flashed the contents at him. "Yep, sir, it's mine all right! Those are my pants!" He didn't really see them, but wouldn't it have been funny if he did! The clothes were all zipped away, so all he got was an eyeful of boots, handbags, and girlie purfume.

I'd had a phone conversation with my mum earlier in the day, who suggested the bright idea of getting the bus home instead of the train. The only reason I hadn't done it on the way up was because it took over an hour longer. But, when she told me it had electric, and wireless internet, I just couldn't resist. All excited i was as I made my way to the terminal, and even Molly was happy, for a wonder. I climbed on the bus, completely content in the fact that i'd be totally amused on the way home, and blissfully unaware that, by the usual cruel twist of fate, I had one of the very few buses which didn't possess the technological knowhow to have electricity, let alone internet access!

So there I was, stuck for about 4 hours on a bus, with nothing to do except resort to phone, ahem, i mean iPod, for amusement. I get real bad cabin fever if i'm forced to sit still for more than 3 hours. It's almost a panic i get into. So I really didn't enjoy knowing that i'd be stuck there for that length of time.

When I eventually did get off, I can tell you, I was glad! I arrived home after having travelled for 10 hours, but my day wasn't over. A friend was doing a radio show, which you should listen to, by the way. he broadcasts between 10 and 1, and is a nice background distraction to whatever you're doing.

So I didn't get to bed for ages! Then iwas up with the dog at the usual time, and I think she must have been shattered herself. After i'd fed her, she crawled back into bed. So it was only natural that i followed suit! It was freezing yesterday. From getting up at 8, I didn't get my feet warmed back up again until after 11. then it was up, breakfast, and job hunting. I didn't do much else yesterday, but I did find a job to apply for, which is good. I didn't make it right through to the end of the radio show last night, and i slept late this morning. But I made up for my sins in a sinfully, deliciously long bath when I woke up. I further compounded my hanus crimes by having a whole bar of chocolate for breakfast!

I've been invited to interview in Selly Oak hospital on the 11th of next month, so things are looking up. Today, I have no plans really, but i think i'll teach myself the way to Tesco I don't know if this is a good thing though; me having access to a readily available chocolate supply... Well, that's it for today. I have things to do you know! Until next time, whenever that may be.

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