Tuesday, 14 October 2008

Daily updatees?

Ahem, who ever said anything, in their first post, about updating daily? Not me, i'm sure! I have a good excuse for it this time. But first, to the bank.

I went down there on Saturday to try and take my savings out of the none too stable bank. I'd rather have them gathering dust under my matress than frozen in a liquidised bank somewhere, even if they are worthless when inflation sky rockets. I know that the government say they'll protect my money up to 50 thousand, but firstly, the forecast time it will take to go through the admin to give people their money back is three months, and secondly, Iceland made a similar, if smaller, guarantee to Brits who invested in IceSafe and Kaupthing. When their banks went bust, they said "Well, we're sorry. We don't have enough money so we're not giving you yours back." So, bearing all that in mind, I decided that I wanted to hear the crackle of crisp notes in my grubby little fingers.

I had a web saver account, and thought that, if I told them I was closing it, they'd give me the balance straight away. Turns out they don't any more. So, the only way to get the money out is to transfer it to my current account and withdraw from there, i'm told. I do this, so now, the sneaky bank have made me pay off an overdraft with that money sitting there. Then, she tells me that there's a daily limit on withdrawals which means i'll have to come back 4 days on the trot to get all of my savings. "Why didn't you tell me this before I transfered?" I want to know, to which she has no good answer. I tell her I want the money in cash, and she says she can write me a cheque, a banker's draught. Um, hello? I'd have to pay that into my current account to get the cash! So we're right back at square 1 here, aren't we?

After a lot of interrogation *pins on MI5 badge*, I managed, through cunning trick questions, to learn that I could put in a cash order, but that it would take at least 48 hours for them to have the cash. Yes folks, I am so rich that the bank doesn't have enough money to pay me! Grovel at my highly polished, very expensive, custom made boots! or the pair of grubby old Sketcher trainers that I got on special offer, take your pick.

So, I requested the cash order, and was told by some old battle axe of a manager that I couldn't have the money until next Saturday. Um, didn't you just say 48 hours? no? Ah, don't worry, it's my old age kicking in... The dementia, you know. But even old people can shout, and shout I did, asking them for policy to back up this spurious time period, which they couldn't provide. The upshot was that I sailed in there yesterday morning, and scooped my fat wad of cash from under the nose of the same old witch... And she had the cheek to say "See you again soon." as I left. See me soon? I don't think so, unless of course, you read Heat. I'll be on the front cover of there next month for being one of the richest people in the world.

Ok, so it was a thin wad. My conscience is too good to lie to you, dear reader. Aren't I such a model to look up to? Yes, send your children to learn at my knee... If you want slightly deranged and unstable kids, that is.

After I got home from the bank, I had a look for jobs for about the 50th time that day, and, shock horror, I found 2! Yes, not 1 but 2. I grabbed my pen, and started to scribble furiously and diligently. I made some nice designs on my desk, but surprisingly, it didn't get the online application form filled in! After that, I resulted to the terribly old fashioned method of simply typing my answers, and that seemed to get the job done. Old technology's far more reliable than these new-fangled devices. Pens are far too complex for this simple gal.

I've found a new addiction, and it goes by the name of Solitaire. Nope, not a new street drug, but the wonderful, horribly adicting card game. My mum has the blame for this placed squarely on her shoulders, has the sole responsibility for my new, dependent, status. She introduced me to it last week and I thought I wouldn't like it initially. But now, i'm as hooked as the cod on the end of 6 fishing lines who ate every worm because his mum didn't feed him breakfast that morning. That means i'm really hooked!

But something really exciting happened yesterday. I was due to go home, Northern Ireland that is, for something i'd arranged to do ages ago, but didn't think I could afford to go. When I called them to let them know, they told me they'd pay for my flights. I found out at about 5 last night, and i'm leaving at 1 today. A whirlwind which looked oddly Carly shaped, was released on my house. It packed quicker than I ever have before, but if you asked me what i'd put in my suitcase, I don't think I could tell you. What I can say, without a shadow of a doubt, is that it left a *lot* of mess behind it. It's understandable I suppose; whirlwinds have such a strong backlash, but i had words with it this morning! I hope I have everything I need! I definitely have my toothbrush though, and, as long as I have that, and a towel of course, i'll survive. And, if you haven't read the HitchHiker's Guide to the Galaxy, you'll not have a clue what i'm talking about with towels. If so, don't worry, it's just an oldy thing. If you've read it, where's my kudos for fitting it into a post! Oh, and pull up a pee stained chair; you're now officially considered ancient by the kids, who tell me, "You're soooo not hip Carly, because you haven't got a Facebook account." Well, I do actually, so there!

After I packed, I filled in another job application, but this one wasn't for a physio job. It's for a post assessing visually impaired people for appropriate technology in schools and employment. Of course, I won't get it. Jaded? Nope, just cynical. Anyway, I don't have the qualifications they want. I'm applying on the off-chance that they'll think life experience with this technology is far better than theory teaching in a classroom. I'm sure you'll agree with most sensible, well run organisations, that life experience counts for nothing, especially if you're proficient in whatever it is they're looking for. You can't possibly know it completely without a bit of paper to say you do!

After that, it was chocolate (Galaxy Cookie Crumble), phone calls, and bed.

I'd just like to point out that i'm showing my dedication to you, well, kind of anyway. It was before 7 when I started writing this! Yes, that's commitment. Or is it a person's way of passing time when they can't sleep? I'm pleading the fifth, I think.

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